Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alalala... dh 3hari tido awl, mkn xkenyang, tidor xsng... yg plg xleh trma game pon aku tgl... haish perluke perasaan ni dtg kembali ;(... ni suma kes tgok YongSeo la ni... >.<

the final chapter of this WGM was so heart-breaking; added with miserable ost all along. nonetheless, the feeling of being getting out from one's heart when I'm still in high school had came back. It's not that I am still infatuated towards her, or even loved her anymore; ts just that when I saw the scene of last meeting of YongSeo, I felt the same intense sadness that occurred to me before. It had been a long time seen I felt this way.. Hopefully, this kind of feeling will be soon diminished as time passed by. So for now I think that I really need my friends... that's why im so grateful when my friends asked me to hang out with them today.. thnx for being there when I need you guys (you came at the right time) :D

ps/ for the person mentioned, If you are accidentally or intentionally read this blog, that time, it's a wise choice for you to make. Though hard for us to move on, I still appreciated that.At that time, I felt terrible and thought I was a failure,But if I didn't go through that all thatI think I wouldn't be here now smiling and when I think about it like this,I dont think I have a single regret. Now, I can sure say that, it's wrong to negate all that occurrences.

Though we were already broke up, but still we are best friend and still contact each other although quite
seldom.. There's no reason for us to stop contacting each other when something like this happen rite? thnx for being so matured.. :) 
Being you as my friend is one of the thing that I would not regret ever. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

yeah!!! hri yg dinnti suda tiba;
lma dh xg dating.....
                             dgn kwn2....  haha.. ;)
ps/ thnx hana kejutkn aku pg2 ni..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

waaaa T.T

Sbnarnya terasa nk tulis entry pagi2 ni bkan apa.. aku bru ja abiz tgok We Got Married YongSeo Couple.. waaaa... sdihnya bla togk episode akhir ni... truthfully, aku nanges gler kot tgok final episode... lma dh xnanges truk camni.. huhu... byk gk input2 berguna dan boleh diamalkn pd msa kini. (yg tak melanggari hukum syarak la).

so my comment about this series is really DEABAKK!! haha..
btw, some series review that i can make here is that their style is very inspiring and great for the example of young couples.

Everyone can see that they got married without knowing each other well. Seohyun never be on a date and she never like a boy before. Yong is a wonderful husband who want his wife to experience what is like dating. She never hold a guy hand, just pretend that you are in her shoe would you be scary?. Yong wants to make her feels comfortable and trust him first…before skinship. Seohyun is pure and innocent. Yong said that. Yong is a gentle man, not like other man who only think about skinship the first thing when  they saw a lady.

First and foremost  is the way Yonghwa is very concerned about Seohyun, he doesn’t want to do physical touch with Soehyun because he had great respect for Seohyun (seriously only a few skinships in this series; klo nk compare dgn couple luar negara yg len). I think there is rarely a man like that, he really appreciate Seohyun. Yong Hwa really do pay back his mistakes with some more meaningful that could erase his past mistakes from SeoHyun's heart. Besides,  Seohyun also a girl who was very polite, we can see it when the episode soehyun met Yonghwa mother’s, she didn’t touch her food before Yonghwa mother’s started eating . and we know that it is also rare to see a very polite girl like Seohyun. One event that really touched my heart was their dating style.  It is also very worthy for the example, how they chose a date with blood donors together. I really never think Seohyun will think such event.

Thus, I really like this couple,  they take it slow and get to know each other . In the real world this couple will last for a life time. the other people that rush into thing they always broken up. Hopefully all people see the other side of their style. Because for me, they are a young couple who are very inspiring. The series is really akin to japanese series that I watched when I was in Form 5 that was Proposal Daisakusen. I like this couple very much.. 
If you all never watch it yet, try it because it's really worth it. :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

KANGAR 3 MEI 2011- Penduduk Kampung Wang Besar telah dikejutkan dengan peristiwa yang tidak diingini apabila kawasan perkampungan mereka telah kehilangan sumber komunikasi iaitu kemudahan telefon. Hal ini demikian, apabila terdapat segelintir masyarakat yang tidak bertanggungjawab, (disyaki lebih dari seorang) telah memotong kabel telefon di kawasan tersebut. Hal ini telah menyulitkan penduduk untuk berhubung dengan dunia luar apabila telefon tidak dapat digunakan. Dimaklumkan oleh pihak berkuasa, kerja-kerja pemasangan semula kabel akan mengambil masa yang lama bergantung kepada jumlah panjang kabel yang dipotong. Di sini terdapat seorang penduduk kampung tersebut telah berkongsi ketidakpuashatian berhubung kes ini.bersama pihak pemberita,iaitu Encik Muhammad Syamil Othman. “Saya amat xpuas ati tentang kejadian ini, haish benci kot kat org jahat ini, xde benda len la nk wat, asyik nk nyusahkn org je kot.  5hari aku xleh on9 sbb hal ini, siyes benci gla kat mamat or mamat2 XXXX ini. Saya minx pihak berkuasa supaya menangkap penjenayah ini agar hal begini tidak akan berulang lagi. @#$%^ U!!!”. Hasil teruramah terpaksa ditapis kerana dia berada dalam keadaan yang tidak terkawal emosinya. Menurutnya lagi, dia mengesyaki pihak bertanggungjawab melakukan kecurian kabel dalam pukul 5 hingga 7pagi kerana dia masih lagi mengakses internet pada pukul 4pagi 29 April yang lepas. Kepada semua penduduk diminta bersabar kerana kerja pemasangan semula hampir selesai dan berharap dapat melakukan aktiviti di hujung minggu ini tanpa sebarang kesulitan.

HAHAHA so ape pendapat korang tentang hal ini, mesti korang gelak kao2 an.. adess... tension gler aku cuti ini xleh nk watpe kot. SO asanya ape yg korang akn alami klo korang dlm situasi aku? MARAH? GERAM? CACI HAMUN??  Aku rsa tidak kot sbb korang xksah sgt xde tenet ke x.. hua3.. tp klo bende yg korang suka wat ttbe xleh disebabkn tindakan ssiapa yg xbertanggungjwab?? Hah jwab2.. mesti korang cam aku gk kan (rsanyala). Huk3.. Mmg korang akn mrah dan maki2 orang tuh. Tp kan... korang xrsa ke cam useless je korang mrah caci hamunjeng camtu?? Bkan ley nk ubah hape2 pon kan. So kan bgus klo  korang berdoa je kat orang yg curi kabel tu (dlm kes aku) tuh supaya dia berubah suatu hri nnt.. xke rsa tenang sket hti korang pk camtu. For me it is a big resolution as I can think like that. Besides we can give a bit of pleasure upon our heart, we are actually did a good deed rite? For praying for others to be good.. hehe..With that in mind, Yeah I can ACTUALLY gone through my days without accessing the internet. So be happy for everything that occurred in our lives as everything has it own role to be done.  :D

ps/ mlas nk post skli pic.. nnt2 la nk men game dlu.. weee~~~